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OPTIX Co Covers the Requirements of Five International Standards

19 jan 2017

OPTIX Co Covers the Requirements of Five International Standards

OPTIX Co is one of the first companies in Europe that successfully implemented a fivefold  integrated management system which includes the following international standards:

  • ISO 9001:2000 – Quality control management
  • ISO 27001:2005 – Information security management 
  • ISO 14001:2004 – Environment management 
  • NATO AQAP 2110 – Quality control management for the specialized production in the field of defense and security 
  • OHSAS 18001:1999 – Health and labor safety management

Generally a management system consists of good organizational structure with clearly defined responsibilities and inner-company links, precise planning and documentation of all the processes in the organization, ensuring quality resources, infrastructure and human capital, maintaining continual feedback for control, analyzing and developing the goal achievement processes. The management systems are a significant factor for every single company's success. The increase competitiveness and decrease the production expenses, thus increasing the productivity in low costs and maximized profit and eliminating the ineffective business decisions.
The ambitious undertaking was a challenge not only for the company itself, but also for the consultancy firm "BulEcoProjects" and for the certificating agency "TUF NORD CERT" GmbH. The key to the successful integration was from one side the experience which OPTIX Co has in acquiring new standards and from the other the personnel`s self-consciousness and  responsiblity to work.


  • 19 january 2017
  • OPTIX Co