19 jan 2017
Rio de Janeiro met the world leaders in the defense and security market at LAAD 2011
Markets in Latin America has always been a major interest to manufacturers and retailers of products with military and paramilitary purposes. So it was during the Latin America Aero and Defense - exhibition, which concentrated its efforts to introduce the opinion leaders and decision makers at the highest political level of the international defense with the latest developments in the industry. The exhibition was visited by representatives of Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay.
LAAD became the scene for promotion of the latest product of OPTIX Co - monocular DIANA IR, assessed on merit and designated as one of the best "players" among the thermal imaging equipment in the world market. The dynamism of the industry becomes more tangible and OPTIX Co not only has its share of the market, but definitely is able to highlight with activity, innovative spirit and engineering excellence.
- 19 january 2017